What it is noVa64?

The noVa64 (With an uppercase V) is a new computer built around the 65816 CPU. Inspired by the age of 8-bit computers, it’s envisioned as a alternate-universe succesor to the Commodore 8-bit series of computers. Instead of adquiring the Amiga, could’ve Commodore created a 16-bit machine around this CPU? The noVa64 is designed and built by a hobbyist (me) who will need to learn pretty much everything on the go.

What it isn’t noVa64?

It’s not a professional or commercially viable product. It’s not meant to be mass produced. It’s not a recreation of any pre-existing computer, although it will be inspired by many.

When will it be ready?

Hopefully, at some point. That’s all I can say.

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