Development diary for the noVa64 computer

  • So.. what´s the plan?

    Awesome, another very legit question! So far, there´s none I’m afraid. I’m only gathering some random thoughts for now. The feature creep madness phase seems to be wearing off, as I haven’t barely added anything new to the requirements for few days. I’m very much aware of the need for a plan. A complex project like this is bound to fail without one. So, let’s draft one!

  • Some random thoughts on the noVa architecture

    I’ve stumbled upon one little FPGA, with embedded DRAM. The GOWIN GW1NR-LV4 has 64Mbits (8MB) of DRAM, and offers an integrated SDRAM controler. The price is around 16$. I can also embed the video processor in one of these FPGAS.

  • How did we get here?

    And also, who am i? And what was I thinking? I suppose those are very valid questions. I’m a child of the 80’s. I grew up with, among many other things, an 8-bit computer. I enjoyed that machine a lot. Played games, did homework, and, at some point, learn to program in BASIC and then in ML. Around 4 decades later, I felt the need to own a Commodore computer again. And with that… a new interest was born.