Development diary for the noVa64 computer
So.. what´s the plan?
Awesome, another very legit question! So far, there´s none I’m afraid. I’m only gathering some random thoughts for now. The feature creep madness phase seems to be wearing off, as I haven’t barely added anything new to the requirements for few days. I’m very much aware of the need for a plan. A complex project like this is bound to fail without one. So, let’s draft one!
Some random thoughts on the noVa architecture
I’ve stumbled upon one little FPGA, with embedded DRAM. The GOWIN GW1NR-LV4 has 64Mbits (8MB) of DRAM, and offers an integrated SDRAM controler. The price is around 16$. I can also embed the video processor in one of these FPGAS.
How did we get here?
And also, who am i? And what was I thinking? I suppose those are very valid questions. I’m a child of the 80’s. I grew up with, among many other things, an 8-bit computer. I enjoyed that machine a lot. Played games, did homework, and, at some point, learn to program in BASIC and then in ML. Around 4 decades later, I felt the need to own a Commodore computer again. And with that… a new interest was born.